Co-Author, Procedures for Asserting and Evaluating Privilege Claims in International Arbitration, a report of the International Commercial Disputes Committee of the New York City Bar Association (October 2023)
Author, Book Review, The Rise of Transparency in International Arbitration: The Case for Anonymous Publication of Arbitral Awards, New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer, (Spring 2014)
Principal Author, Publication of International Arbitration Awards and Decisions, a report of the International Commercial Disputes Committee of the New York City Bar Association (February 2014)
Author, Does Cariou v. Prince Represent the Apogee or Burn-Out of Transformativeness in Fair Use Jurisprudence? A Plea for a Neo-Traditional Approach, 24 Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal 321 (2014)
Author, The Emergence of Emergency Procedures in Arbitration, 7 New York Dispute Resolution Lawyer 15 (Fall 2014).
Author, Microsoft Case is Great Example of Emergency Arbitration, Law 360 (December 13, 2013)
Author, Cariou v. Prince Confirms Importance of Transformativeness, Law 360 (May 1, 2013)
Author, Two Decisions in Battle Between Old and New Media Leave Little Resolved, New York Law Journal: Outside Counsel (May 24, 2012)
Co-Author with Eric Rasmussen, Special Feature — The Second Circuit Finally Acknowledges the Impact of the Supreme Court’s eBay Decision on Preliminary Injunction Standards in Intellectual Property Cases, in IP Today (May 5, 2010)
Author, Cross-Examining a Technical or Scientific Expert, in Take The Witness: CrossExamination In International Arbitration (Lawrence W. Newman and Ben H. Sheppard, Jr., eds. 2010)
Author, Holding Arbitrators to Higher Standards of Impartiality After Scandinavian Reinsurance, New York Law Journal: Outside Counsel (May 21, 2010)
Co-Author with Daniel Glazer and Irene Treloar, Standing and Joinder Considerations in Trademark Litigations and Licenses,” Trademark Law Reporter, Vol. 99 No. 6 (November–December 2009)
Author, Arbitration Fee-Splitting Agreement Invalidated in Employment Dispute, New York Law Journal: Outside Counsel (July 31, 2009)
Author, The Future of Trademark Litigation over Keyword Searches after the Second Circuit’s Rescuecom Decision, Bloomberg Law Reports: Intellectual Property, Vol. 3, No. 22 (June 2009)
Speaker on fair use in copyright law at the 2013 Fordham Intellectual Property Law Journal Symposium, Silicon Valley Arbitration and Mediation Center, and at the PLI Advanced Copyright Law Annual Review 2014. Presented program at INTA mid-winter meeting on product placement and has conducted CLE presentations on such topics as Internet enforcement and fair use of trademarks and copyrights.
Guest lecturer at Yale Law School, Brooklyn Law School, Lewis & Clark Law School, and Vassar College.